MIND YOUR BUSINESS and LINKED 13 COLONIES NAMED/DESIGNED by BENJAMIN FRANKLIN are on the BACK of this $2/3 DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1776 – PLATE A.PRINTED by HALL (a FORMER PARTNER of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN) & SELLERS in PHILADELPHIAwith MICA FLAKES.CIRCULATED with INTERNAL SPLITS CREATED in PART (I SUPPOSE) by a LONG BLUE ODDLY SHAPEDSECURITY THREAD- PHOTO SHOWS the BLUE THREAD BLOTCH in the LOWER LEFT CORNER RUNNING NEARLY the DIAGONAL LENGTH & then VERTICALLY UP this NOTE.CALL it an ERROR or an ABERRATION or ANOMALY in the PAPER – IF YOU are into BLUE SECURITY THREADS, or LOOKING BEYOND the OUTSIDES, this is the NOTE for YOU!