SOLDIERS BOUNTY WARRANT for CIVIL WAR SERVICE, CLINTON COUNTY IOWA, 1864 Iowa offered tracts of land as partial payment or as a bounty for service by soldiers during war time. the individual was given either a warrant to receive land or scrip which could be exchanged for a warrant These were rarely redeemed by the soldiers themselves for the land, but were instead sold off.
The county treasurer had a fund to pay recruited soldiers as was given as a check drawn upon that county fund. It is green and numbered 3025, made payable to John S. Lands and reads: “SOLDIERS BOUNTY WARRANT, CLINTON COUNTY IOWA, DEWITT OCTOBER TERM 1862, ON THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER 1864. THE TREASURER OF CLINTON COUNTY WILL PAY OR BEARER ONE DOLLAR OUT OF THE SOLDIERS BOUNTY FUND BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.” Signed by the clerk, William Hamilton.