Ralph Pomeroy (1737-1819) served in the Continental Army as a First Lieutenant before entering service to the State of Connecticut during the Revolution. Here is a copy of a letter that he sent to George Washington within a couple of months of his assuming the Presidency (which gives lots of info about who he was).
From Ralph Pomeroy Hartford
May it please your Excellency 20th July 1789
In the late war I had the honour to Serve my Country in Several successive departments, and last of all as Deputy Quarter Master for the State of Connecticut, which business (tho’ dificult) was executed with fidelity and Success. I now beg leave to offer my services, and request a new appointment in some one of the new Offices now to be established. That of Collector at the Port of New London appears to me to be the best in this State; therefore I pray for that appointment-Should it not be granted me and a Vacancy should happen in the Loan Office of this state by the Promotion of Mr Imlay, 1 I beg your Excellency will favour me with that Office-Failing of both these should an Excise Office be instituted in this State I beg to be appointed The Collector-This State at the last Sessions of Assembly did me that Honour for a new Sistem of Excise which was for Some reasons Suspended untill next fall, and will probably come to nothing, if Congress take up the Matter and lay the Duty of Excise for the United States; should that be the Case I hope the doings of our General Assembly may be considered as a recommendation for me.
Possessed of no uncommon or Superiour abilities, it is with the utmost difidence I make this application, as I know (what has been Seldom practiced at other Courts) the Appointments will be made of the best men.
All I can promise, (should I be permitted to Serve) is a most vigilant and faithfull attention to and my highest Exertions for a compleat discharge of my Duty. I have the honour to be your Excellency’s most obedient Servant
Ralph Pomeroy
Famous Recipients:
1789 payment of 2 Pounds 4 Shillings & 10 Pence to John Carpenter, Captain in the Connecticut Militia. $124.95
1789 payment of 1 Pound to Samuel Squier Esq, 18 April 1715 to 27 May 1801, Member of the Sons of Liberty, Committee of Correspondence, as well as the Commissary of Supply for the Connecticut Regiments of the Continental Army. He also served in Fairfield as Justice of the Peace from 1776 to 1782. $159.95
1790 payment of 10 Shillings to; Reuben Cadwell, 1762 to March 1834, fought in the Revolution as a member of the Third Regiment from the Connecticut Militia from 1781 to 1783. He later (1798) received a land grant in Fabius, New York as pension, where he settled with his wife Rebecca. $149.95
1790; 2 Pounds to Elisha Colt 26 February 1758 to 23 August 1827, Joined the 8th Connecticut Militia in 1775 later becoming a clerk to his Uncle Peter Colt a congressional supply agent. Became a dry goods merchant after the war later becoming the Comptroller of Connecticut & forming the “Society for Saving” in Hartford in 1819. Father to Elisha Colt Jr, banker who loaned cousin Samuel Colt the money to establish Colt’s Manufacturing Company in Paterson NJ.
1790 payment of 4 Pounds 2 Shillings & 4 Pence to The Honorable Joseph Platt Cooke; Yale Graduate, Friend of George Washington, Politician, Revolutionary Officer.
January 4, 1730 – February 3, 1816. Graduated from Yale College in 1750, becoming a military officer during the Revolutionary War accompanying General Wolcott to NY in 1776. In 1781 his home served as a meeting place for George Washington and the French military leaders; the Comte de Rochambeau and the Marquis de la Fayette. Later becoming a Connecticut politician, and twice a delegate to the Congress of the Confederation. $249.95
1790 payment of 5 Pounds to; Ebenezer Sheldon (1754-1825). On April 19, 1775, he answered the “Lexington Alarm,” fought in the Revolution, and, in 1789, was appointed a captain in Connecticut’s militia. Following the Revolution he sought a new beginning in the Western Reserve (Ohio). In 1799, he established a homestead in Aurora and returned to Connecticut the following year to bring his wife Lovee and their 6 children to the area. He became an agent for the Big Beaver & Cuyahoga Land Company and was the township’s first Justice of the Peace and a founding member of the Congregational church. $179.95
1790 payment of 2 Pounds (#9210) to Hezekiah Sabin, 1720 to 1791 of New Haven, a Lieutenant Colonel during the Revolutionary War. $124.95
1790 payment of 2 Pounds (#9212) to Hezekiah Sabin, 1720 to 1791 of New Haven, a Lieutenant Colonel during the Revolutionary War. $124.95
Benjamin Trumbull (19 December 1735 – 2 February 1820) an early American historian, Revolutionary Army Chaplain and preacher. Trumbull graduated from Yale in 1759, and received his theological education under Reverend Eleazer Wheelock. After the war he published a pamphlet sustaining the claim of Connecticut to the Susquehanna purchase, which influenced the decision of Congress in favor of his suggestions. Yale gave him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1796. He published Twelve Discourses on the Divine Origin of the Holy Scriptures, General History of the United States of America, and the Complete History of Connecticut from 1630 till 1713. $169.95
1790 payment of 1 Pound, 9 Shillings & 2 Pence to Samuel Young 1712 to 1798. During the Revolutionary War he served in the Connecticut Militia in 1776 & 1779. $124.95
1790 payment of 1 Pound, 15 Shillings & 8 1/4 pence to Solomon Whitman, 1718 to 1803, First to Administer Oath of Fidelity in the State of Connecticut, He served as Justice of the Peace 1751-1767, Deputy to General Assembly for 16 terms, first Judge of Probate Court 1769-78, and Town Clerk of Farmington 1766-1790. He lived his life in Farmington having inherited a large amount of land from his father. He had 5 children, with his son Samuel disappearing while enlisted in Sea Service during the Revolution. $189.95
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